This is the third of 10 tips for unwavering woe. It’s a harsh reality that must be faced: ‘Other people’ simply do not appreciate how egregious things are. When you don’t get the expected promotion, you stay bitter for months because you care more than those other under-achieving joes/jos. They might find the flu unpleasant,… Continue reading How NOT to be Happy Tip 3: Pity yourself
Author: Michele Connolly
Choose to be happier – and you will be.
How NOT to be Happy Tip 2: Never take responsibility
This is the second of 10 tips for unwavering woe: This is a big one. You can’t be truly out of the shadow of happiness until you master the art of responsibility-dodging. In essence, the challenge is to thwart all attempts by the universe to offer you self-knowledge. It involves deflecting each piece of negative… Continue reading How NOT to be Happy Tip 2: Never take responsibility
How NOT to be Happy Tip 1: Take offense.
This is the first of 10 tips for unwavering woe. What should you do if someone says something in an ambiguous tone of voice, or acts in an unclear way? Is she being bitchy? Was that deliberately snide? Did he just snub me? Who cares! The smartest assumption here is yes, always yes. The key… Continue reading How NOT to be Happy Tip 1: Take offense.
How NOT to be happy: 10 tips for unwavering woe
There’s a lot of talk these days about happiness. People wanting to get happy can do courses, read books, subscribe to forums, meditate, or follow any number of paths to proactively raise their happiness quotient. But jolly isn’t for everyone. What if you’d rather wallow in your own misery? Shouldn’t you have the right to… Continue reading How NOT to be happy: 10 tips for unwavering woe
Stuff that makes me happy – Music videos
“What came first, the music or the misery? People worry about kids playing with guns, or watching violent videos, that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands, literally thousands of songs about heartbreak, rejection, pain, misery and loss. Did I listen to pop music because… Continue reading Stuff that makes me happy – Music videos
Power of 40
I’m using the psychological magnitude of turning four-oh to, I hope, galvanise myself into action on some long overdue goals. Here they are: 1. Have a draft manuscript of a non-fiction book completed. I don’t know whether I want to seek publication, self-publish, or make it an e-book, but that decision can come later. By… Continue reading Power of 40
Countdown to 40
I turn 40 on September 28. I don’t look or act 40 (a canny combination of good genes and sustained immaturity), so when I reminded my Mum of this minor milestone, she looked shaken. I could see her doing the calculations in her head (unlike me, she can do this sans fingers). Her eyes darted… Continue reading Countdown to 40
Communicating – more than words
[youtube=] The short film In My Language (8:35 minutes) is touching, profound and confronting. From about 3.10 seconds the actions seen in the first part are ‘translated’. It makes me re-think how I perceive communication, language, intelligence – and happiness.
Stuff that makes me happy – Devices
iPac (named Xac) I take this everywhere. It’s my diary, to-do list, address book and post-it pad. It’s old now and no longer available, but I’m waiting for HP to bring out a mobile PDA using Windows on a 3G network (Optus?) before I upgrade. I’ve added SPB Pocket Plus, which makes it look way… Continue reading Stuff that makes me happy – Devices
Happiness conference – Reflections 1
Last month I attended the Happiness & its Causes conference at Darling Harbour, Sydney. Laid low by the flu since then, I’ve been pondering the experience – the speakers, the content, and even some of the little happenings that peppered the 4-day happ-stravaganza. One such tidbit was my ‘psyching in’ for the experience on Day… Continue reading Happiness conference – Reflections 1