What To Do About Change You Don’t Want, And Can’t Control

Making Peace With Change

I thought you might be interested in the latest post over at Get Organized Wizard.

Lately I’ve been thinking about change. I’ve observed friends, and felt for myself, the difficulty of navigating through changes that we don’t want, but have no control over – whether it’s a job redundancy, end of a relationship, or some other kind of loss.

I can often identify something like the five stages of grief described by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross…  It’s a painful cycle!

So I started thinking about an alternative cycle for navigating change that you don’t want, and can’t control. One that takes out some of the pain and eases the transition.

Here’s what I’ve come up with. Instead of stages that you go through, these are self-directed steps that you take. Read more…

While you’re there, you can download a free copy of the 5 Steps To Making Peace With Change Worksheet.  It’s available to members of the Get Organized Wizard community forums, which are filled with hundreds of posts and resources.

Become a member now (it’s free).

Till next time,

Michele Connolly

[Top image: by David Reece]

By Michele Connolly

Choose to be happier – and you will be.


  1. Hi Michele,
    Thanks for sharing this alternative and more positive cycle on dealing with change. The five stage Kubler Ross theory of grief is of late being suggested as a useful way to think about how a person feels when they have a child who has additional needs – in my case a child with trisomy 21. It seems reasonable enough – after all a child with additional needs is unexpected, not something you plan or ask for. However the suggestion did not sit easy with me – no matter how I tried to reconcile it – thinking of the grief cycle as I look into the loving eyes of my child or feel the warmth of his cuddly body is … well it’s just not how I feel. Thanks for proposing a more positive and helpful model for unexpected events, change and the like.

  2. Michele-
    This is “off topic”, I know…but I signed up for your Spring Organization- thon, and in the process, signed up for your newsletter from the Organizing Wizard blog. I wasn’t aware of the existence of this “Happiness” blog of yours but am so very glad I found it! Thanks for all of your advice, words of wisdom, exciting methods to Jumpstart and improve organization, not to mention the many fabulous products you have available on the Organizing Wizard Site. Love the Organizing Missions app! You have the most comprehensive and detailed of products that I have seen in the market place….and now I have found another site where I can read your “words of wisdom”! You have been responsible, many times, in ignighting the spark of enthusiasm and motivation in me. If that is not a huge part of happiness, then what is?
    Thank you again so very much!

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