Valentine’s Day Happiness Strategies – #1. For singles



As Thursday is Valentine’s Day,
this week we turn to some
relationship-themed happiness strategies.


Today – a happiness strategy for singles looking for love:

  • When you’re waiting for Prince/Princess Charming to come along and make you happy – what should you do?

Tomorrow -  a happiness strategy for couples:

Friday – a happiness strategy for relationships and friendships in general:


When you’re waiting for Prince/Princess Charming to come along and make you happy – what should you do?

Are you waiting for that magical partner to appear and make you happy? Fix your life? Get you out of your rut?

If so, I have some very upsetting news for you. Actually, I have twin upsetting newslets.

1. There’s only one person responsible for fixing your life, and that’s you, dude. You knew I was gonna say it and you know it’s true. So let’s move on.

2. When someone is miserable and their life is shambolic, do you think their FaceBook walls light up with invitations? It’s not that people just aren’t that into them. It’s that  people leave the state to avoid them. Happy, together people want to be with other happy, together people.

Valentine’s Day Happiness Strategy: To attract someone fabulous, be fabulous

The single best thing you can do to meet someone fabulous is be fabulous. Forget waiting, manipulating, lamenting, whining, bargaining and surgical enhancements.

Instead, put your energy into being your best self and developing the qualities you desire in someone else. Go back to that list of the traits you crave in your fantasized love bunny and see how many you have.

If you take yourself off hold and start looking after your own happiness, not only will your life immediately start to pick up, but you’ll become way more appealing too.

When that happens, can I get your number for my friend?


Coming up:

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Image: paultalbot

By Michele Connolly

Choose to be happier – and you will be.

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